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The Best and Most Common Reasons to Hire an Attorney in Lexington

attorney in lexingtonThere are federal rules, and then there are state laws. For example, in Kentrucky, it’s illegal to fish with a bow and arrow.

While some state laws and regulations might be silly, others are very serious. When you’re on the hunt for a lawyer, it’s important to keep your location in mind. Big-box law firms and injury attorneys that span the country might have the money for catchy advertising, but they don’t necessarily have the local know-how and connections needed to get you the legal service and advice you require.

Here are some common reasons people hire lawyers, and why it might be important to stay local with a personal injury attorney in Lexington, KY for your case.

  • DUI
    Driving under the influence of alcohol or any other type of substance that impairs driving ability can lead to serious consequences. In 2012, there were an estimated 10.3 million people on the roads driving under the influence of illegal substances. DUI law in Kentucky is very strict: if you have a blood or breath alcohol content of 0.08 or higher, you may be tried in a court of law and possibly given jail time. If you’re caught in Lexington, it makes sense to hire an attorney in Lexington who understands the local procedure to help you make the best case for defense.
  • Personal Injury
    There is a one-year statute of limitation on cases of personal injury, medical malpractice, or products liability in Kentucky, which means that if you want to get compensation, you need to start your case well before then. The types of claims and theories also vary by state, so you’ll want an attorney in Lexington who’s well versed in at least one of the following, depending on your situation: wrongful death, auto accidents, medical malpractice, workers’ comp, product liability, and slips and falls. Some of these necessarily overlap: Vehicle accidents, for example, are the leading cause of death from traumatic brain injury for 20 to 24 year-olds, while falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injury in children under age four and adults over age 75.

Don’t trust your case to some face on a billboard — make sure you get the local knowledge and experience of an established law firm who will understand how to best go about handling your case.

Contact Us

Golden Law Office, PLLC
771 Corporate Dr #800
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: (859) 469-5000
Fax: 859-469-5001