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Be Careful Out There: 5 Dangerous Driving Habits to Avoid

lawyers in lexington kyWe may think we’re practicing safe habits while on the road, but even the most diligent of drivers makes a vital error every so often. However, you must not discount the importance of consistent road safety. Doing so could result in an accident or neck, extremity, or head injury. At worst, one of these mistakes could prove fatal. Although some accidents cannot be avoided, you can reduce your risk by not taking part in one of these five dangerous driving habits:

Driving under the influence
Unfortunately, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is all too common. In 2013 alone, 9.9 million people reported getting behind the wheel while under the influence of illicit drugs. Furthermore, the majority of traffic-related fatal accidents are due to drunk driving. You may think you can handle driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, but you most likely have a very unrealistic picture of your skills during this time. Avoiding a DUI/DWI or a terrible accident is easily avoidable. Use a designated driver or call a friend, family member, or taxi company. If you don’t, you may need a car accident attorney and may face a court battle.

Drowsy driving
You may think that sleepy driving isn’t anywhere near as dangerous as driving with substances in your system. Actually, it can be just as dangerous. Your reaction time will be slower, you’re apt to make poor decisions, and you have a high risk of falling asleep behind the wheel. Most drowsy drivers end up getting in crashes on highways or high traffic areas and can’t do anything to prevent the crash before it happens. If you find that you’re nodding off at the wheel, pull over in a safe location to get some sleep. It may put your plans off-course, but you’ll be glad you avoided a potentially fatal accident. Better you get your sleep for a little while than forever.

Distracted driving
With an increased use of electronic devices comes an increased amount of driving distractions. When you’re texting, eating, using a GPS, or talking to your car’s passengers, your driving skills will be impaired. No cell phone conversation can be important enough to put your life and the lives of others at risk. Keep the phone out of sight when driving and don’t engage in tasks while driving that ideally require even one hand to complete. One stupid decision could lead to a terrible accident that requires a lot of help from a legal professional.

Speeding and reckless behavior
Failing to obey posted speed limits and other important rules of the road is simply bad news. Speeding is the second-leading cause of accidents. The faster your speed, the more likely you’ll get in a crash. It should be noted that driving below the posted speed limit can also result in accidents. In addition, swerving, frequent lane changes, lack of signaling, tailgating, or not following proper passing laws will often result in a crash. If you choose to disobey the rules of the road, other drivers will often pay the price — and so may you, in court. If you don’t want to have to seek out the top lawyers in Lexington KY, use common sense and respect the regulations and other drivers.

Not accounting for weather
When you fail to adjust your driving in adverse weather conditions, you can easily sustain or inflict personal harm. Driving too fast in rain or snow can result in skidding or worse. Watch out for ice, travel at a safe distance from other cars, and give yourself extra time in bad weather. Having snow tires or all-wheel drive does not give you an excuse.

Be sure to follow these tips to help you practice safe driving. If you find yourself in need of car accident lawyers in Lexington KY, please contact us today.

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Golden Law Office, PLLC
771 Corporate Dr #800
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: (859) 469-5000
Fax: 859-469-5001