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In 2023 alone, Golden Law Office attorneys have obtained over $20 Million in jury verdicts in Kentucky courtrooms for their clients.

How Often Are Seniors in Nursing Homes Left Unmonitored?

Published on Sep 26, 2019 at 1:01 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

Two seniors sitting in chairs

When you trust the care of your loved one to a nursing home, you expect they’ll receive the same level of care that you would give them. Plenty of other people think the same way. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are 1.3 million residents in United States nursing homes.

Even though amazing care is expected, that’s not always what is enacted in these facilities. There are high rates of neglect in long term care facilities, according to The United States Department of Justice. Even still, neglect is underreported in elder care. Nursing home abuse and neglect can be hard to spot, but unfortunately, it’s a common occurrence, even in Lexington.

How Long Do Hit-and-Run Cases Stay Open For?

Published on Sep 19, 2019 at 1:23 pm in Car Accidents.

Car driving on road

A car accident is frustrating enough on its own when you’re the victim. But when another driver crashes into you and flees, also known as a hit-and-run, you know you’ve got an even more grueling process ahead of you. If the driver is not found immediately, the police will likely open an investigation to see if they can find the responsible driver who fled the scene. If you’re injured and are considering your legal options, getting in touch with an attorney may be a good idea at this time.

There are many factors to consider when a case is opened against a driver who fled a hit-and-run scene. The first of which is time length. Here are some things to consider when trying to decide whether to open a case after your accident:

What Qualifies as a Permanent Injury in Kentucky?

Published on Sep 12, 2019 at 1:28 pm in Personal Injury.

Hospital patient with walker

There are a number of uncertainties that coincide with an accident. The most pressing is often when you’ll be able to return to your normal way of life. Unfortunately, some accidents result in catastrophic or permanent injuries. When this is the case, it’s important for personal injury victims to know that they have options when it comes to paying for medical bills and handling the significant changes they’re facing.

In Kentucky, accident victims have the right to seek compensation for their injuries. If the injury is considered permanent, which impacts a person’s ability to return to work, the compensation they’re eligible for could cover medical expenses, the future cost of care, and more.

Understanding what qualifies as a personal injury in Kentucky is important if you’re seeking compensation for one. Our lawyers can explain the relevant laws to you and help you build a claim, so you can move forward.

What You Need to Know About Driving in Kentucky Work Zones

Published on Sep 5, 2019 at 12:54 pm in Car Accidents.

What You Need to Know About Driving in Kentucky Work Zones

In the South, road work doesn’t just happen in the summer. Since Kentucky rarely sees snow or extreme cold, we’re able to work on our roadways almost year-round. Work zones are dangerous for workers because there usually aren’t hard barriers protecting them. This makes workers more vulnerable in the event of a car accident because there’s nothing between them and reckless drivers.

But work zones aren’t just dangerous for workers. Drivers are just as much at risk to be injured in a car accident in a work zone. Whether you’re a local or just visiting Lexington, you should know the laws and precautions to take when driving through Kentucky work zones.

What to Do If Your Brakes Malfunction While Driving?

Published on Aug 29, 2019 at 1:34 pm in Car Accidents.

Close up of right side of car's tire

Lexington is full of charm and has plenty of scenic routes. Unfortunately, though, car crashes can still happen even in the most picturesque locations. In Kentucky, about 800 people die in car accidents each year, as reported by the Insurance Information Institute (III).

Whether your brakes need to be replaced or were faulty, you never expect them to completely fail and potentially cause a car collision. Brake failure can be deadly, so it’s important for you to know what actions to take if you find yourself in that situation.

What Can We Do as a Society to Prevent Elder Abuse?

Published on Aug 8, 2019 at 12:42 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

A close up of a senior citizen's hands

Seniors in nursing homes are sometimes subject to abuse when the facility is negligent. This could be from not having enough staff to take care of their residents or if there is a malicious person working for the home. In any case, it’s a terrible thing to learn that your loved one has gone through elder abuse. While holding negligent individuals accountable for their actions will help, you may be wondering if there are any other ways that elder abuse can be prevented. There are a few tips that will help you stay in touch with your loved one and make it less likely for them to be abused or neglected.

How Are Lifelong Injuries Handled in a Personal Injury Settlement?

Published on Jul 25, 2019 at 1:49 pm in Personal Injury.

Hand holding pen signing contract

Personal injury lawsuits can be complicated. When a lifelong injury is added into the mix, determining the settlement can become even more of a challenge. If you’ve been permanently injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve full and fair compensation that will allow you to live as comfortably as possible. Part of handling lifelong injuries in a personal injury settlement involves understanding how injuries are classified.

How Successful Are Most Class Action Lawsuits?

Published on Jul 11, 2019 at 2:31 pm in Class Action.

Front view of court house

When a group of people have been hurt by something, such as a defective product, they may be eligible to join a class action lawsuit. In order for a class action claim to be valid, numerous people must have sustained similar injuries from using the product. Then, it’s typical for representatives of that group to sue on behalf of the large group that was harmed. The company being sued will usually agree to a settlement and the case will not go to trial. If you’re wondering about pursuing this kind of claim because of a negligent company, a Lexington class action lawsuit lawyer from Golden Law Office can help you.

There are probably many questions running through your head. Before making a decision about class action lawsuits, you should understand a few aspects of them. Let’s take a look at the advantages of class-action lawsuits.

The Difference Between Negligence and Malpractice

Published on Jun 20, 2019 at 2:59 pm in Medical Malpractice.

Stethoscope and pen on chart

You may have heard the terms “negligence” and “malpractice” used interchangeably, but there are clear differences between the two legally. If you’re pursuing a personal injury claim, it’s important to understand the difference between the terms, as your case may proceed differently depending on the circumstances of your accident.

In general, negligence involves a person’s failure to exercise care in a way that a reasonable person would have done in a similar situation. The majority of personal injury claims revolve around this idea. Malpractice, however, is a type of negligence that specifically relates to licensed professionals who fail to provide services that meet the required standard of care. Most personal injury claims revolving around malpractice are the result of a negligent doctor.

Which Highway Lanes Are the Most Dangerous to Drive In?

Published on Jun 6, 2019 at 6:31 pm in Car Accidents.

Two road with multiple lanes

Many drivers depend on the highway every day. There are many kinds of highway lanes that each have their own set of dangers. When someone drives negligently and ignores the rules of the road, they can cause devastating car accidents. While you cannot stop another’s negligence, you may be able to decrease your risk of getting in an accident by knowing which parts of the highway might be the most statistically dangerous. We’ll discuss the different lanes and what you should look out for when driving in each.

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