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Personal Injury Attorneys Serving the Lexington Area

Golden Law Office is comprised of local, experienced personal injury trial attorneys with proven trial results. We have obtained million dollar verdicts, multi-million dollar verdicts, million dollar settlements, and multi-million dollar settlements on behalf of our clients. Previously, Dale Golden and Justin Peterson represented several of the nation’s largest insurance carriers, businesses and trucking companies, both defending and evaluating their claims. Golden and Peterson are now taking their experience from the past twenty-five years to devote their legal practice to representing those who have suffered a personal injury or other legal wrong.

Inside Knowledge

Golden Law Office has inside knowledge of how insurance companies evaluate and negotiate claims which enables them to obtain maximum results. Remember, insurance companies have access to every trial that occurs in Kentucky. They are aware of the attorneys who are willing to try cases and maximize the value of their client’s claim. Consequently, the value of your claim may be determined, at least in part, by the attorney you choose. The trial results and settlements obtained by Golden and Peterson in cases as large as class actions and as small as a slip and fall, are well known.

#1 Ranking for Most Cases Tried to a Jury Verdict

Dale Golden recently achieved a #1 ranking in the Kentucky Trial Court Review for most cases tried in 2012. Dale is also nationally recognized for the dozens of cross examinations he has conducted regarding some of the most highly regarded expert forensic psychiatrists in the nation. The Kentucky Trial Court Review obtained Dale’s trial cross examination of a renowned forensic psychiatrist and sold the cross examination to attorneys throughout the nation. In fact, two of Dale’s cross examinations have been sold at separate times: “Granacher Gone Wild” and “Granacher Gone Wild 2: The Reckoning.”

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