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Product Liability

Product manufacturers have a legal responsibility to produce products that are safe for use and don’t cause harm when used as intended. If you’ve been injured by a product that was advertised as safe, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer or the party responsible for the defect. The Lexington product liability lawyers from Golden Law Office have your back and are prepared to fight on your behalf to ensure your case receives a favorable outcome. 


The Importance of a Lawyer You Can Trust.

There are laws at the state and national level which hold product manufacturers, engineers, retailers, and distributors liable for items that are produced, distributed, and made available for purchase by consumers and businesses alike. When an individual is hurt, injured, or otherwise harmed when using a product as intended, we can hold those responsible of creating a malfunctioning, defective, or faulty product legally responsible.

When a product is found to be defective or dangerous and injures a consumer, the manufacturer is generally quick to issue a product recall and take the item off shelves to release a safer version. Sometimes, this doesn’t happen. The manufacturer may fight back or claim that a recall is unnecessary. It’s in these instances that the area of law called product liability comes into effect. If you’ve been seriously injured by a product and can prove the defective item directly caused your injury and that you were using the item as intended, you may be able to receive financial compensation that can go towards medical bills, loss of wage costs, and more. While dangerous product claims can be complex, an experienced product liability attorney will be able to assist you every step of the way.

How Can a Lexington Product Liability Attorney Help Me?

In addition to potentially receiving damages (compensation) that can aid your recovery process, a successful product liability claim can force change and protect future consumers from becoming injured in the same way. Lawsuits are powerful and oftentimes, unfortunately, the only way to ensure that a corporation or product manufacturer takes the necessary steps to make product safety a priority. Without our civil legal system in place, corporations often wrongfully prioritize profits over safety.

If you feel that a manufacturer’s, distributor’s, or retailer’s negligence caused you harm or injury after you purchased and used a product as intended, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Golden Law Office today. Our product liability lawyers in Lexington, KY can help you and your family receive answers and potentially get help to aid your recovery.

It is imperative that you hire an attorney with an excellent trial record and proven results. In 2014, J. Dale Golden pursued a lawsuit in Federal Court against a New Jersey space heater manufacturer. Dale retained nationally-recognized experts to look at several exemplar space heaters as well as the remnants of the space heater from the fire in an effort to determine the cause of the fire. The experts determined that the most likely cause of the fire was due to an internal defect in the space heater. Due to the destruction caused by fire, it is often difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the ignition. Only by hiring the right experts and aggressively pursuing the case is a multimillion-dollar settlement reached.

Common Causes

Defective vehicles or auto parts

Defective cars or vehicles like ATVs can be extremely dangerous. Defective vehicle parts like malfunctioning seatbelts, brakes, and airbags can also be deadly.

Defective construction equipment

Sometimes the retailer or distributor can be found liable for injuries caused by a defective product.

Defective toys and outdoor equipment

Sometimes the retailer or distributor can be found liable for injuries caused by a defective product.

Defective household items

Sometimes the retailer or distributor can be found liable for injuries caused by a defective product.

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  • Legal Advice
    Get legal advice confidentially and quickly.
  • Free Consultations
    We offer consultations for free and do not charge you anything up front.
  • Experience
    We can help you navigate any complex insurance settlements and speak on your behalf in court if necessary
  • Proven Trial Results
    We have obtained million dollar verdicts, multi-million dollar verdicts, million dollar settlements, and multi-million dollar settlements on behalf of our clients.
Golden Law Office