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What Are the Qualities of a Credible Car Accident Witness?

Person signing papers

Following an auto collision, determining fault can pose a great challenge. No two car accidents are the same, and the complexity and abundance of factors involved in a vehicular wreck can make it difficult to properly hold the responsible party accountable for their negligence. Investigations into medical and police reports can provide supportive evidence, but a reliable account from a credible eyewitness is one of the best ways to support a claim.

It is not enough to simply have an eyewitness account of the accident—the credibility of the witness must also be taken into consideration. Witness credibility is essential in all legal situations, but a witness’ statement can be especially central to a car accident case, in which the word of one driver is weighed against the other. If you have been involved in an auto collision, you need to know that you have the support and expertise of a law firm thoroughly familiar with car accident law. A proficient legal advocate will know how to use a qualified witness’ statement to effectively support your claim, and will further be able to ascertain which witnesses are satisfactorily credible in their account of the incident. (more…)

When Are Cars Responsible for Truck Accidents?

When Are Cars Responsible for Truck Accidents

Operating a large commercial truck can be a dangerous occupation for drivers who often spend up to 11 consecutive hours on the road. However, the risk for passenger vehicle drivers who share the road with tractor-trailers weighing 20-30 times more than a car can be even more substantial. Commercial truck accidents, although more infrequent per mile than passenger vehicle wrecks, can be the most catastrophic. Research from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) shows that most deaths in large truck crashes are passenger vehicle occupants. It is clear that large trucks do not operate in a bubble, and passenger cars can become entangled when things go wrong, whether or not they are at fault.

If you have been involved in a crash with a large commercial truck, you need to know that you are backed by a trusted law firm with experience in truck accident law. Our team at Golden Law Office works hard to make the road a safer place for everyone. We can use our valuable experience in truck accident law to determine the ways you have been affected by the accident, helping you receive the compensation you need to recover your losses. One of the first steps in the process is determining the liable party in a tractor-trailer accident. (more…)

How Can You Tell If Your Loved One Has Bedsores?

How Can You Tell If Your Loved One Has Bedsores

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) has published studies concluding that approximately one in 10 older adults living in a community environment is a victim of abuse. This shocking statistic shows that elder abuse is a serious threat to individuals who reside in nursing homes. Trusting that your loved one will be well cared for in a nursing home facility should never come with the fear of mistreatment or neglect. When abuse or neglect does occur, action should be taken to quickly put an end to a grievous situation of maltreatment.

Knowledge is one way you can equip yourself to be an advocate for vulnerable adults residing in nursing homes. By educating yourself on signs and symptoms of potential neglect or mistreatment, you can help prevent or stop a serious problem. One major sign of neglect in nursing homes is bedsores. Bedsores indicate that an individual has been left immobile for long periods of time, and suggests that they are not receiving proper care and attention. If you find that a nursing home resident you know has developed bedsores, get in touch immediately with a trusted nursing home abuse lawyer who can help protect the rights of your loved one. (more…)

What Types of Negligence Are Grounds for a Wrongful Death Claim?

Flowers at a graveyard

Other people’s negligent actions can sometimes lead to accidents that injure other people. In some situations, those injuries can lead to death. When that happens, their family and loved ones will want to file a wrongful death claim because their loved one was taken from them too soon. Before filing a claim, you’ll need to know which types of negligence constitute wrongful death.

When you have questions about what qualifies for a case, you could use the help of a wrongful death lawyer. At Golden Law Office, we can answer your questions and determine whether you have grounds to file against the negligent party. With our help, you’ll be able to recover the compensation you deserve to cover funeral and burial expenses, as well as other costs your loved one incurred before passing.


What Are the Costs of Burn Injuries?

Medical gauze

When you sustain any injury from an accident, they can be costly. Burn injuries especially, though, can cost you a lot financially, physically, and emotionally. After suffering from burns, you might be wondering just how much you could spend trying to heal.

If the injury was caused by someone else’s negligent actions, then you could fight to recover some of those costs. With the help of a burn injury lawyer from Golden Law Office, you can have peace of mind knowing that an experienced attorney is on your side to get you the compensation you deserve.


How Does a Lawyer Calculate the Costs of Your Injuries and Damages?

Calculator and expenses printed on paper

Aside from getting justice, getting full and fair compensation is usually a main reason for filing a personal injury claim against the negligent party who caused your accident and subsequent injury. That’s where an attorney can be a great benefit to you. They’ll look into every aspect of what happened so that they can determine exactly what you’re owed and then fight to get you those damages.


How Often Do Truck Accidents Happen in Kentucky?

view of truck driving on opposite side of road from windshield

Sharing the road with large trucks can be nerve-wracking because they are so much larger and heavier than regular sized vehicles. In Kentucky, we have plenty of tractor trailers on our roads because we rely on them to transfer goods within our state and to other parts of the country. While most truck drivers are careful and qualified, some make mistakes and cause serious accidents.


What Factors Can Affect Your Lexington Personal Injury Claim?

Person signing document

When you’re deciding to file a personal injury claim, or you’ve already decided that you’re going to take legal action, there are some things to think about that could affect your case. Some factors could change whether or not you’re able to file or what you can receive in compensation. That’s why it’s important to have the help of a personal injury lawyer on your side when filing a claim.


What Are Punitive Damages in a Personal Injury Claim?

Two people at desk with files, laptop, justice scales, and cup of coffee

When another person’s negligence causes an accident that injures you, then you likely want to file a personal injury claim to hold them responsible for their actions. There are different types of damages that you can fight to recover from the negligent party, and your lawyer can help you determine which applies to your case.

Your personal injury attorney will be able to tell you if you deserve economic damages, noneconomic damages, or punitive damages. At Golden Law Office, we will fight to ensure that you get the full and fair compensation you deserve for the injuries and damages you sustained at the hand of someone else.


Common Household Items That Can Become Fire Hazards

Two lit white candles

When you bring an item into your home, you want it to be as safe as possible for you and your family. While most household items are harmless and do what you need them to do, some can become dangerous if they’re fire hazards.

If a product malfunctions and causes a fire in your home, then you could have a product liability claim against the seller, manufacturer, or company responsible for the product and its defects. A lawyer from Golden Law Office can help you hold the negligent party responsible for their actions so you can get justice for the damages you suffered.
