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How Does Negligent Hiring Affect the Trucking Industry?

The aftermath of a truck accident can be devastating. This isn’t surprising when you consider commercial vehicles weight up to 80,000 pounds and often carry hazardous materials. The significant property damage often results in totaled vehicles and the physical injuries can be life-changing.

The hardest part of dealing with a severe truck accident often revolves around accepting the accident could have been prevented. When trucking companies neglect their responsibilities and hire poor drivers, they should be held accountable for their actions.

That’s where we come in. At Golden Law Office, our truck accident attorneys have years of experience working with truck accident victims. If you believe a trucking company is responsible for your accident, we will do what we can to investigate your claim. In order to start the legal process, it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of why negligent hiring has such an impact on the trucking industry. Let’s start by looking at state and federal hiring and retention regulations. (more…)

Why Are Overloaded Semi Trucks Dangerous?

Semi-trucks account for some of the largest vehicles on the road at any given time. They’re heavier, longer, and wider than passenger vehicles. In an attempt to prevent catastrophic accidents with these types of vehicles, there are a variety of regulations and law established at the state and federal level; however, that does not mean truckers and trucking companies always abide by them.

When a tractor-trailer is overloaded, it significantly increases the chance of a variety of risks that can lead to the severe injury or death of innocent motorists. As a driver, it’s important to recognize the risks an overloaded semi poses, so you can remain vigilant on the road. (more…)

What to Do if You See an Unsafe Trucker

Thousands of wrongful injuries and deaths occur each year because of negligent truck drivers. These accidents, with the proper precautions taken, could have been avoided. If you think you see an unsafe driver on the road, you have the legal right to report their driver.

Causes of Unsafe Truck Driving in Kentucky

Distracted Driving. While Kentucky law allows talking on cellphones while driving, they do not allow texting, instant messaging, or emailing. Other forms of distracted driving include eating, drinking, reaching for fallen objects, and adjusting a vehicle’s internal controls.

Driving Under the Influence. In Kentucky, commercial vehicle drivers are not allowed to exceed a blood alcohol content of 0.04 percent. If you see a truck driver drifting, nearly striking other cars or objects, driving without headlights at night, or erratically braking, that driver may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. (more…)

Protect Yourself by Avoiding These Crucial Truck Blind Spots

Some of the deadliest auto accidents involve a tractor-trailer and passenger vehicle. As you might imagine, the truck normally fairs better than the car. While you already know it’s important to remain focused on the road in front of you at all times, it’s important to recognize that just because you can see a truck doesn’t mean it can see you.

Kentucky Truck Accident Statistics

If you’re a resident of Kentucky and frequently hear about truck accidents, you may be wondering what the facts really are. These statistics come from the Kentucky Transportation Center’s Analysis of Traffic Crash Data.

  • In Kentucky, a truck is a vehicle with a registered weight of 10,000 pounds or more.
  • Counties with the highest truck accident rates contained an interstate highway or had a large number of coal trucks on the road.
  • From 2012 to 2016 there was a 13 percent increase in truck accidents in Kentucky.
  • In 2016, there were 9,380 truck crashes in Kentucky.
  • On average, 61 percent of truck collisions involved impact at the front of the truck, 21 occurred in the rear, 11 percent happened on the left side, and 7 percent happened on the right side.


How to Avoid Being in a Commercial Truck Accident

At times, it can seem like there are numerous unforeseen dangers on the road – especially when you’re traveling 70mph down the interstate. In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, it’s important to recognize these dangers. Commercial truck accidents account for approximately 8,000 motor vehicle accidents in Kentucky each year, according to the University of Kentucky. With that statistic in mind, keep reading to find out how you can avoid contributing to those numbers.

Avoiding Commercial Truck Accidents in Kentucky

Avoid braking suddenly. While braking suddenly isn’t something you can always avoid, doing so in front of a semi can have deadly consequences. Override accidents, where a truck rides over a passenger car, can easily crush a smaller vehicle if that vehicle brakes suddenly and without cause. Remember that larger vehicles are often unable to stop quickly. (more…)